Friday, May 30, 2008

Crazy phone scam

No I'm not operating one, but apparently my name and address have been wrapped up into someones scam. For the last 3 weeks we have been getting calls from all over the country, people asking about the car that I supposedly have for sale. Most of the people have seen an ad on Craigslist or Ebay and sent their money. They are sending the money to NYC. Anyway, they call us asking about the terms of shipping the car and we have to break the news that they have been scammed, most people are out $2400. I've contacted the local police who didn't get the point that I'm not the one losing money, but someone is using my name and address. He said there was nothing I could do but not to open spam e-mails in the future (comforting right?). I think he was totally missing the point. Anyway, we contacted the phone company today and are getting our phone number changed. We found that we could get the new number "unpublished" which is a step beyond "unlisted". Unlisted just takes you out of the phone book, unpublished takes you out of the phone book and off of the internet...basically the only way your number gets out is if you give it out. So that should at least stop the frequent phone calls, and people should get alarmed when they call my number and hear the disconnected message. I'll share our new number with those who need it later, probably early next week since the phone doesn't switch over till next Wednesday.

Anyway, if anybody has any other suggestions let me know. I feel bad that people are getting ripped off, but I think the bad guy has just picked one of the most common names of all time..mine..and managed to get my address and phone off of the internet. We have been constantly monitoring our financial info and have not had any weird charges on that stuff, so we really think it was just somebody pulling my lucky name out of thin air.