Monday, March 17, 2008

Nice run

I killed it today on the treadmill. I ran 6.17 miles in 50 minutes. I was trying to get to 6.2 miles which would be a 10K. However it would have taken me about 30 seconds to cover that .03 of a mile, so i was pretty close. My minutes per mile pace was 8:06 per mile, and maybe the greatest feat in all of this was that I never walked for the whole workout! I was impressed with my running and pretty proud!

I needed the good workout though after we went out last night. We made a trip to Brewvies, my favorite place on earth. Our movie started at 8, Bridget came straight from work and hadn't eaten since noon. I knew we were going out so I didn't eat dinner either. So we ordered a 14 inch BBQ chicken pizza, large nachos, and 2 diet cokes. Sadly, we ate it all! Every last bite. When I weighed in this morning I was 7 pounds more than Sunday morning!!! That better not stick around very long or I might never go out to eat again (yeah right)! I think a lesson in portion control would be a good thing!


Unknown said...

That is quite the pace and quite the motivation.