Sunday, March 16, 2008


I don't know how often I get to brag about my wife, with specific examples. I mean I brag about her all the time to anybody who has ears, but this is good....this comes with hardcore evidence. She asked me to check her work e-mail right before she went to bed for the night and there was an evaluation of her from her recent rotation in the well baby nursery. So we opened it, I copied it, and now you get to see the proof!

and I quote:

Dr. Brown is a fantastic physician. She is competent, bright and compassionate. She is very trustworthy. She provides competent and sensitive care which is mindful of each patient's socioeconomic/ sociocultural background.

pretty cool huh?!?


Jeanne said...

Yes it is pretty cool.

Unknown said...

A W E S O M E !!!