Friday, January 25, 2008

Project 1/1/100

Ok, so here it is...gonna lay it all on the line here. I'm stuck! I have not gained any weight this month, but I have not lost any either. I think if you look at the bottom of the blog you'll see that I have been working out like a madman, and I feel that my diet has been pretty good (although not as good as say August through November). But still no weight loss. The interesting part is that all of the jeans I bought in November are starting to get to be too big, and my belt is on the smallest hole already. My theory is that I am converting fat and gaining muscle. It's an optimistic thought anyway. This could also be a sign that I need to mix things up a bit. So I think I am going to start lifting weights 3 times a week. I think this will do a couple of things, it will give my legs a much needed rest, spice up my daily routine, add much needed strength to my pudgy core, and it might keep me from going postal on the treadmill or elliptical machine! I am comfortable at my current weight, which would be 85 pounds lost. I think if I lose more weight it is going to be very gradual weight loss, no more 3 or 4 pound weeks. But I am not going to stop trying, this is definitely not the end of Project 1/1/100!


Unknown said...

One of my swim coaches had me actually slow down my running to get 120-130 heart rate to lose weight which did help.

Also in swimming we used to 500 crunches to help build the core. Accept it would sets of 50 and different ones.
50 normal crunches
50 left side
50 right side
50 with legs straight
50 Vs where you move both arms and legs (those are the hardest)
50 situps
I can't remember the other 200 though it might have just been putting in normal crunches in between

I have been trying to start some of it, but I think I get to only about 200 and no Vs

It really did help strengthen the stomach which you need in swimming.