Monday, January 7, 2008

7 Years ago....

I know Bridget's family members are my primary readers, but I can assure you I would be writing this regardless of who was reading it. Seven years ago today I made the best decision of all time, I married Bridget. Not only are we a match made in heaven, or as my father says "you two deserve each other", but we are still just as happy today as we were 2555 days ago. My kids and my wife are really my passion in life and I wouldn't change a thing about any of them. If they say you are defined by the choices that you make in this life, then let my record show that my family ranks #1 and I wouldn't change a thing! I hope that Bridget and I live until we are 100 and we are the cute old couple that they push down the hall in our wheel chairs while we hold hands.

Bridget and I were talking about our very first encounter. My friend Nick introduced us at a swim meet, I was in the stands and Bridget was standing on the deck. Bridget asked Nick if he has seen his girlfriend, he said no and "have you met Chris?" We said hi and that was it. So the amazing part was 2 or 3 days later I asked Nick about the girl from the swim meet. Now, I'm not a big believer in fate or destiny, but how else could it be explained? I don't know how Cupids arrows work, but I'm thankful that they found us on that chance encounter. I love Bridget more and more by the day, no ulterior motives...not trying to score any points or earn any credits....just the honest truth. Man oh man, I am a lucky boy and that is one thing I never take for granted!


Jeanne said...

Your right you are a lucky boy but Bridget is a lucky girl too. Congrats on 7 years.

anna jo said...

hurray for true love! :)