Thursday, October 25, 2007

100 million bulbs

No, that's not how many bulbs I have planted for spring flowers...that how many Compact Florescent light bulbs have been sold in the US! That is equivalent to taking over 700,000 cars off of the road!

A quick education in light bulb usage. On a recent Mythbusters they tested if it was more efficient to leave your lights on if you were just going to leave the room for a few minutes, or if it was better to turn the lights off after you leave the room every time. A light bulb uses more power to start up than it does to stay lit. So here are some rules to remember-

Standard incandescent: turn off even if you leave the room for just seconds.
Compact fluorescent: turn off if you leave the room for 3 minutes.
Standard fluorescent: turn off if you leave the room for 15 minutes.

While checking into some "green" things I came across this, it's kinda fun. Bubble packaging is not the most environmentally friendly packaging, so this is a way to relive your youth and keep the planet free from bubble wrap. Try it here and be a kid for a few minutes....try the Manic Mode!